Property | Description |
organisationId | organisation id |
stockEntryId | stock entry id |
stockEntry | New stock entry data. |
Request parameters:
- long organisationId - organisation id
- long stockEntryId - stock entry id
- StockEntry stockEntry - New stock entry data.
/// Stock entry details. public class
// Stock entry id. public long? StockEntryId { get; set; }
// Stock entry type:
// <ul>
//     <li>P - Receipt</li>
//     <li>I - Issue</li>
//     <li>L - Own use</li>
// </ul> public string StockEntryType { get; set; }
// Stock entry subtype:
// <ul>
//     <li>S – Suplier/Client</li>
//     <li>P – Production</li>
//     <li>L - Storage</li>
//     <li>R – Storage to Client/Supplier</li>
// </ul> public string StockEntrySubtype { get; set; }
// Receipt from a farmer. public string ReceiptFromFarmer { get; set; }
// Stock entry date. public DateTime? Date { get; set; }
// Stock entry number. public long? Number { get; set; }
// Customer. public
mMApiFkField Customer { get; set; }
// Analytic. public
mMApiFkField Analytic { get; set; }
// Rabate percent. public Decimal Rabate { get; set; }
// Description. public string Description { get; set; }
// Value of material and goods. public Decimal ValueOfMaterialAndGoods { get; set; }
// Value of related costs. public Decimal ValueOfRelatedCosts { get; set; }
// Percent of related costs of purchase. public Decimal PercentOfDirectCostsOfPurchase { get; set; }
// Value of receipt. public Decimal ValueOfReceipt { get; set; }
// Currency. public
mMApiFkField Currency { get; set; }
// Exchange rate. public Decimal ExchangeRate { get; set; }
// Only for miniMAX SI
// Source document type for e-delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>AAK – delivery note</li>
//     <li>ON - purchase order</li>
//     <li>VN – sales order</li>
// </ul> public string OriginalDocumentType { get; set; }
// Only for miniMAX SI
// Source document date for e-delivery note public DateTime? OriginalDocumentDate { get; set; }
// Report settings for delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>DO – for delivery note</li>
// </ul> public
mMApiFkField DeliveryNoteReportTemplate { get; set; }
// The description that appears on delivery note above. public string DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove { get; set; }
// The description that appears on delivery note below. public string DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow { get; set; }
// Addressee name. public string AddresseeName { get; set; }
// Addressee GLN. public string AddresseeGLN { get; set; }
// Addressee address. public string AddresseeAddress { get; set; }
// Addressee postal code. public string AddresseePostalCode { get; set; }
// Addressee city. public string AddresseeCity { get; set; }
// Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country. public string AddresseeCountryName { get; set; }
// Addressee country. public
mMApiFkField AddresseeCountry { get; set; }
// Recipient name. public string RecipientName { get; set; }
// Recipient GLN. public string RecipientGLN { get; set; }
// Recipient address. public string RecipientAddress { get; set; }
// Recipient postal code. public string RecipientPostalCode { get; set; }
// Recipient city. public string RecipientCity { get; set; }
// Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country. public string RecipientCountryName { get; set; }
// Recipient country. public
mMApiFkField RecipientCountry { get; set; }
// Stock entry status:
// <ul>
//     <li>P – Confirmed,</li>
//     <li>O – Draft</li>
// </ul> public string Status { get; set; }
// Account. public
mMApiFkField Account { get; set; }
// Association With Issued invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>N – no</li>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
// </ul> public string AssociationWithIssuedInvoice { get; set; }
// Stock entry rows. public List<
StockEntryRow> StockEntryRows { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check. // Ignored on create request. public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data. public class
// Record id. public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name. public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details. public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
/// Stock entry details. public class
// Stock entry row id. public long? StockEntryRowId { get; set; }
// Stock entry. public
mMApiFkField StockEntry { get; set; }
// Stock entry row number. public int? RowNumber { get; set; }
// Item. public
mMApiFkField Item { get; set; }
// Item name. public string ItemName { get; set; }
// Warehouse from. public
mMApiFkField WarehouseFrom { get; set; }
// Warehouse to. public
mMApiFkField WarehouseTo { get; set; }
// Item quantity. public Decimal Quantity { get; set; }
// Item price. public Decimal Price { get; set; }
// Discount value in percent. public Decimal DiscountPercent { get; set; }
// Linked stock row for returning goods. public
mMApiFkField LinkedStockEntryRow { get; set; }
// Margin value in percent. public Decimal MarginPercent { get; set; }
// Item selling price.
The information depends on the setting whether prices are entered with VAT or without VAT (on VAT periods / Warehouse setting). public Decimal SellingPrice { get; set; }
// Information whether Selling Price includes VAT or not.<br/>Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Selling price includes VAT</li>
//     <li>N - Selling price does not include VAT</li>
// </ul> public string SellingPriceIncludesVAT { get; set; }
// Value. public Decimal Value { get; set; }
// Serial number. public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
// Batch number. public string BatchNumber { get; set; }
// Mass of item in kilogram. public Decimal Mass { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check. // Ignored on create request. public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data. public class
// Record id. public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name. public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details. public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
Request parameters:
- Int64 organisationId - organisation id
- Int64 stockEntryId - stock entry id
- StockEntry stockEntry - New stock entry data.
/// Stock entry details. class
// Stock entry id. public $StockEntryId;
// Stock entry type:
// <ul>
//     <li>P - Receipt</li>
//     <li>I - Issue</li>
//     <li>L - Own use</li>
// </ul> public $StockEntryType;
// Stock entry subtype:
// <ul>
//     <li>S – Suplier/Client</li>
//     <li>P – Production</li>
//     <li>L - Storage</li>
//     <li>R – Storage to Client/Supplier</li>
// </ul> public $StockEntrySubtype;
// Receipt from a farmer. public $ReceiptFromFarmer;
// Stock entry date. public $Date;
// Stock entry number. public $Number;
// Customer. public $Customer;
// Analytic. public $Analytic;
// Rabate percent. public $Rabate;
// Description. public $Description;
// Value of material and goods. public $ValueOfMaterialAndGoods;
// Value of related costs. public $ValueOfRelatedCosts;
// Percent of related costs of purchase. public $PercentOfDirectCostsOfPurchase;
// Value of receipt. public $ValueOfReceipt;
// Currency. public $Currency;
// Exchange rate. public $ExchangeRate;
// Only for miniMAX SI
// Source document type for e-delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>AAK – delivery note</li>
//     <li>ON - purchase order</li>
//     <li>VN – sales order</li>
// </ul> public $OriginalDocumentType;
// Only for miniMAX SI
// Source document date for e-delivery note public $OriginalDocumentDate;
// Report settings for delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>DO – for delivery note</li>
// </ul> public $DeliveryNoteReportTemplate;
// The description that appears on delivery note above. public $DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove;
// The description that appears on delivery note below. public $DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow;
// Addressee name. public $AddresseeName;
// Addressee GLN. public $AddresseeGLN;
// Addressee address. public $AddresseeAddress;
// Addressee postal code. public $AddresseePostalCode;
// Addressee city. public $AddresseeCity;
// Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country. public $AddresseeCountryName;
// Addressee country. public $AddresseeCountry;
// Recipient name. public $RecipientName;
// Recipient GLN. public $RecipientGLN;
// Recipient address. public $RecipientAddress;
// Recipient postal code. public $RecipientPostalCode;
// Recipient city. public $RecipientCity;
// Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country. public $RecipientCountryName;
// Recipient country. public $RecipientCountry;
// Stock entry status:
// <ul>
//     <li>P – Confirmed,</li>
//     <li>O – Draft</li>
// </ul> public $Status;
// Account. public $Account;
// Association With Issued invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>N – no</li>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
// </ul> public $AssociationWithIssuedInvoice;
// Stock entry rows. public $StockEntryRows;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check. // Ignored on create request. public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data. class
// Record id. public $ID;
// Record name. public $Name;
// Url to full record details. public $ResourceUrl;
/// Stock entry details. class
// Stock entry row id. public $StockEntryRowId;
// Stock entry. public $StockEntry;
// Stock entry row number. public $RowNumber;
// Item. public $Item;
// Item name. public $ItemName;
// Warehouse from. public $WarehouseFrom;
// Warehouse to. public $WarehouseTo;
// Item quantity. public $Quantity;
// Item price. public $Price;
// Discount value in percent. public $DiscountPercent;
// Linked stock row for returning goods. public $LinkedStockEntryRow;
// Margin value in percent. public $MarginPercent;
// Item selling price.
The information depends on the setting whether prices are entered with VAT or without VAT (on VAT periods / Warehouse setting). public $SellingPrice;
// Information whether Selling Price includes VAT or not.<br/>Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Selling price includes VAT</li>
//     <li>N - Selling price does not include VAT</li>
// </ul> public $SellingPriceIncludesVAT;
// Value. public $Value;
// Serial number. public $SerialNumber;
// Batch number. public $BatchNumber;
// Mass of item in kilogram. public $Mass;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check. // Ignored on create request. public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data. class
// Record id. public $ID;
// Record name. public $Name;
// Url to full record details. public $ResourceUrl;
Request parameters:
- Long organisationId - organisation id
- Long stockEntryId - stock entry id
- StockEntry stockEntry - New stock entry data.
/// Stock entry details. public class
// Stock entry id. public Long StockEntryId;
// Stock entry type:
// <ul>
//     <li>P - Receipt</li>
//     <li>I - Issue</li>
//     <li>L - Own use</li>
// </ul> public String StockEntryType;
// Stock entry subtype:
// <ul>
//     <li>S – Suplier/Client</li>
//     <li>P – Production</li>
//     <li>L - Storage</li>
//     <li>R – Storage to Client/Supplier</li>
// </ul> public String StockEntrySubtype;
// Receipt from a farmer. public String ReceiptFromFarmer;
// Stock entry date. public Date Date;
// Stock entry number. public Long Number;
// Customer. public
mMApiFkField Customer;
// Analytic. public
mMApiFkField Analytic;
// Rabate percent. public Double Rabate;
// Description. public String Description;
// Value of material and goods. public Double ValueOfMaterialAndGoods;
// Value of related costs. public Double ValueOfRelatedCosts;
// Percent of related costs of purchase. public Double PercentOfDirectCostsOfPurchase;
// Value of receipt. public Double ValueOfReceipt;
// Currency. public
mMApiFkField Currency;
// Exchange rate. public Double ExchangeRate;
// Only for miniMAX SI
// Source document type for e-delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>AAK – delivery note</li>
//     <li>ON - purchase order</li>
//     <li>VN – sales order</li>
// </ul> public String OriginalDocumentType;
// Only for miniMAX SI
// Source document date for e-delivery note public Date OriginalDocumentDate;
// Report settings for delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>DO – for delivery note</li>
// </ul> public
mMApiFkField DeliveryNoteReportTemplate;
// The description that appears on delivery note above. public String DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove;
// The description that appears on delivery note below. public String DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow;
// Addressee name. public String AddresseeName;
// Addressee GLN. public String AddresseeGLN;
// Addressee address. public String AddresseeAddress;
// Addressee postal code. public String AddresseePostalCode;
// Addressee city. public String AddresseeCity;
// Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country. public String AddresseeCountryName;
// Addressee country. public
mMApiFkField AddresseeCountry;
// Recipient name. public String RecipientName;
// Recipient GLN. public String RecipientGLN;
// Recipient address. public String RecipientAddress;
// Recipient postal code. public String RecipientPostalCode;
// Recipient city. public String RecipientCity;
// Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country. public String RecipientCountryName;
// Recipient country. public
mMApiFkField RecipientCountry;
// Stock entry status:
// <ul>
//     <li>P – Confirmed,</li>
//     <li>O – Draft</li>
// </ul> public String Status;
// Account. public
mMApiFkField Account;
// Association With Issued invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>N – no</li>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
// </ul> public String AssociationWithIssuedInvoice;
// Stock entry rows. public List<
StockEntryRow> StockEntryRows;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check. // Ignored on create request. public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data. public class
// Record id. public Long ID;
// Record name. public String Name;
// Url to full record details. public String ResourceUrl;
/// Stock entry details. public class
// Stock entry row id. public Long StockEntryRowId;
// Stock entry. public
mMApiFkField StockEntry;
// Stock entry row number. public Integer RowNumber;
// Item. public
mMApiFkField Item;
// Item name. public String ItemName;
// Warehouse from. public
mMApiFkField WarehouseFrom;
// Warehouse to. public
mMApiFkField WarehouseTo;
// Item quantity. public Double Quantity;
// Item price. public Double Price;
// Discount value in percent. public Double DiscountPercent;
// Linked stock row for returning goods. public
mMApiFkField LinkedStockEntryRow;
// Margin value in percent. public Double MarginPercent;
// Item selling price.
The information depends on the setting whether prices are entered with VAT or without VAT (on VAT periods / Warehouse setting). public Double SellingPrice;
// Information whether Selling Price includes VAT or not.<br/>Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>D - Selling price includes VAT</li>
//     <li>N - Selling price does not include VAT</li>
// </ul> public String SellingPriceIncludesVAT;
// Value. public Double Value;
// Serial number. public String SerialNumber;
// Batch number. public String BatchNumber;
// Mass of item in kilogram. public Double Mass;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check. // Ignored on create request. public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data. public class
// Record id. public Long ID;
// Record name. public String Name;
// Url to full record details. public String ResourceUrl;