Relative request path: | api/orgs/{organisationId}/issuedinvoices/{issuedInvoiceId} |
Property | Description |
organisationId | organisation id |
issuedInvoiceId | issuedInvoice id |
Request parameters:
Request parameters:
Request parameters:
Property | Description |
IssuedInvoiceId | Issued invoice id. |
Year | Invoice year. Readonly. |
InvoiceNumber | Invoice number. Readonly. |
DocumentNumbering | class DocumentNumbering. Document numbering. |
Customer | class Customer. Customer. |
DateIssued | Invoice date. |
DateTransaction | Date of transaction. |
DateTransactionFrom | Start date of transaction. |
DateDue | Invoice due date. |
AddresseeName | Addressee name. |
AddresseeAddress | Addressee address. |
AddresseePostalCode | Addressee postal code. |
AddresseeCity | Addressee city. |
AddresseeCountryName | Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country. |
AddresseeCountry | class Country. Addressee country. |
AddresseeGLN | Addressee GLN. |
RecipientName | Recipient name. |
RecipientAddress | Recipient address. |
RecipientPostalCode | Recipient postal code. |
RecipientCity | Recipient city. |
RecipientCountryName | Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country. |
RecipientCountry | class Country. Recipient country. |
RecipientGLN | Addressee GLN. |
Rabate | Rabate percent. |
ExchangeRate | Exchange rate. |
DocumentReference | Document reference. |
PaymentReference | Payment reference. Readonly. |
Currency | class Currency. Currency. |
Analytic | class Analytic. Analytic. |
Document | class Document. Document. Readonly. |
IssuedInvoiceReportTemplate | class ReportTemplate. Report settings for issued invoices:
DeliveryNoteReportTemplate | class ReportTemplate. Report settings for delivery note:
Status | Issued invoice and proforma invoice status:
DescriptionAbove | The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice above. |
DescriptionBelow | The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice below. |
DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove | The description that appears on delivery note above. |
DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow | The description that appears on delivery note below. |
Notes | Notes. |
Employee | class Employee. Employee. |
PricesOnInvoice | Price calculation type(VAT):
RecurringInvoice | Recurring Invoice:
InvoiceAttachment | class DocumentAttachment. Invoice attachment (PDF invoice document). |
EInvoiceAttachment | class DocumentAttachment. |
InvoiceType | Input type:
ForwardToCRF | Forwarding data to CRF when sending e-invoice for budget users. Options:
ForwardToSEF | Only for organisations that send data to eFaktura. Forwarding VAT data to SEF. Options:
ReverseReason | Reason for reverse. |
OptionalCustumerDataType | Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
Optional custumer data type
OptionalCustumerData | Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS Optional custumer data |
CustomerIDType | Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
Type of customer ID
CustomerID | Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS Custumer id |
PaymentStatus | Payment status:
InvoiceValue | Invoice value (domestic currency). Readonly. |
PaidValue | Paid value (domestic currency). Readonly. |
AssociationWithStock | Association With Issue From Stock:
DebitNote | Debit note • N – no • D – yes Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS |
DebitNoteBasis | Issued invoice for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS |
DebitNoteBasisDate | Issued invoice date for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS |
IssuedInvoiceRows | Invoice rows. List of IssuedInvoiceRow. |
IssuedInvoicePaymentMethods | Payment methods. List of IssuedInvoicePaymentMethod. |
IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument | Additional source documents. List of IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument. |
RecordDtModified | |
RowVersion | Row version is used for concurrency check. |
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.IssuedInvoice.IssuedInvoice'.
/// Issued invoice details.
public class IssuedInvoice
// Issued invoice id.
// Ignored on create request.
public long IssuedInvoiceId { get; set; }
// Invoice year.
public int? Year { get; set; }
// Invoice number.
public long? InvoiceNumber { get; set; }
// Document numbering.
public mMApiFkField DocumentNumbering { get; set; }
// Customer.
public mMApiFkField Customer { get; set; }
// Invoice date.
public DateTime? DateIssued { get; set; }
// Date of transaction.
public DateTime? DateTransaction { get; set; }
// Start date of transaction.
public DateTime? DateTransactionFrom { get; set; }
// Invoice due date.
public DateTime? DateDue { get; set; }
// Addressee name.
public string AddresseeName { get; set; }
// Addressee address.
public string AddresseeAddress { get; set; }
// Addressee postal code.
public string AddresseePostalCode { get; set; }
// Addressee city.
public string AddresseeCity { get; set; }
// Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country.
public string AddresseeCountryName { get; set; }
// Addressee country.
public mMApiFkField AddresseeCountry { get; set; }
// Addressee GLN.
public string AddresseeGLN { get; set; }
// Recipient name.
public string RecipientName { get; set; }
// Recipient address.
public string RecipientAddress { get; set; }
// Recipient postal code.
public string RecipientPostalCode { get; set; }
// Recipient city.
public string RecipientCity { get; set; }
// Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country.
public string RecipientCountryName { get; set; }
// Recipient country.
public mMApiFkField RecipientCountry { get; set; }
// Addressee GLN.
public string RecipientGLN { get; set; }
// Rabate percent.
public Decimal Rabate { get; set; }
// Exchange rate.
public Decimal ExchangeRate { get; set; }
// Document reference.
public string DocumentReference { get; set; }
// Payment reference.
public string PaymentReference { get; set; }
// Currency.
public mMApiFkField Currency { get; set; }
// Analytic.
public mMApiFkField Analytic { get; set; }
// Document.
public mMApiFkField Document { get; set; }
// Report settings for issued invoices:
// <ul>
//     <li>IR – for issued invoice,</li>
//     <li>DP – for credit note,</li>
//     <li>UP – for issued invoice with order for payment.</li>
// </ul>
// Report settings for proforma invoices:
// <ul>
//     <li>PR – for proforma invoice,</li>
//     <li>PUPN – for proforma invoice with order for payment.</li>
// </ul>
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoiceReportTemplate { get; set; }
// Report settings for delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>DO – for delivery note </li>
// </ul>
public mMApiFkField DeliveryNoteReportTemplate { get; set; }
// Issued invoice and proforma invoice status:
// <ul>
//     <li>O – Draft,</li>
//     <li>I - Issued</li>
// </ul>
public string Status { get; set; }
// The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice above.
public string DescriptionAbove { get; set; }
// The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice below.
public string DescriptionBelow { get; set; }
// The description that appears on delivery note above.
public string DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove { get; set; }
// The description that appears on delivery note below.
public string DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow { get; set; }
// Notes.
public string Notes { get; set; }
// Employee.
public mMApiFkField Employee { get; set; }
// Price calculation type(VAT):
// <ul>
//     <li>D - VAT is included in the price</li>
//     <li>N - VAT is added to the prices</li>
// </ul>
public string PricesOnInvoice { get; set; }
// Recurring Invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes,</li>
//     <li>N – no.</li>
// </ul>
public string RecurringInvoice { get; set; }
// Invoice attachment (PDF invoice document).
public mMApiFkField InvoiceAttachment { get; set; }
public mMApiFkField EInvoiceAttachment { get; set; }
// Input type:
// <ul>
//     <li>R – issued invoice,</li>
//     <li>P – proforma invoice.</li>
// </ul>
public string InvoiceType { get; set; }
// Forwarding data to CRF when sending e-invoice for budget users. Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
//     <li>N – no</li>
// </ul>
public string ForwardToCRF { get; set; }
// Only for organisations that send data to eFaktura. Forwarding VAT data to SEF. Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>Eracun - EInvoice</li>
//     <li>Zbirno - Group</li>
//     <li>Posamicno – Individual</li>
// </ul>
public string ForwardToSEF { get; set; }
// Reason for reverse.
public string ReverseReason { get; set; }
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Optional custumer data type
// <ul>
//     <li>10 – ZPPPDV number</li>
//     <li>11 – Refaction operator form number</li>
//     <li>20 – SNPDV number</li>
//     <li>21 – LNPDV number</li>
//     <li>30 – PPO-PDV number</li>
//     <li>31 – ZPPO-PDV number</li>
//     <li>32 – MPPO-VAT number</li>
//     <li>33 – IPPO-VAT number</li>
//     <li>40 – Single-purpose voucher number</li>
// </ul>
public string OptionalCustumerDataType { get; set; }
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Optional custumer data
public string OptionalCustumerData { get; set; }
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Type of customer ID
// <ul>
//     <li>10 – PDV number</li>
//     <li>11 – JMBG number</li>
//     <li>12 – PDV and JBKJS number</li>
//     <li>20 – Identity card number</li>
//     <li>21 – Refugee identification number</li>
//     <li>22 – EBS</li>
//     <li>23 – Passport number (domestic)</li>
//     <li>30 – Passport number (foreign)</li>
//     <li>31 – Diplomatic identification number</li>
//     <li>32 – Identity card number MKD</li>
//     <li>33 – Identity card number MNE</li>
//     <li>34 – Identity card number ALB</li>
//     <li>35 – Identity card number BIH</li>
//     <li>40 – PDV number (foreign)</li>
// </ul>
public string CustomerIDType { get; set; }
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Custumer id
public string CustomerID { get; set; }
// Payment status:
// <ul>
//     <li>Placan – Paid</li>
//     <li>DelnoPlacanZapadel – Partially paid, Overdue</li>
//     <li>DelnoPlacanNezapadel – Partially paid, Not yet due</li>
//     <li>NeplacanZapadel – Unpaid, Overdue</li>
//     <li>NeplacanNezapadel – Unpaid, Not yet due</li>
//     <li>Osnutek – Draft</li>
//     <li>Avans – Advance payment</li>
// </ul>
public string PaymentStatus { get; set; }
// Invoice value (domestic currency).
public Decimal InvoiceValue { get; set; }
// Paid value (domestic currency).
public Decimal PaidValue { get; set; }
// Association With Issue From Stock:
// <ul>
//     <li>N – no</li>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
// </ul>
public string AssociationWithStock { get; set; }
// Debit note
// • N – no
// • D – yes
// Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public string DebitNote { get; set; }
// Issued invoice for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public string DebitNoteBasis { get; set; }
// Issued invoice date for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public DateTime? DebitNoteBasisDate { get; set; }
// Invoice rows.
public List<IssuedInvoiceRow> IssuedInvoiceRows { get; set; }
// Payment methods.
public List<IssuedInvoicePaymentMethod> IssuedInvoicePaymentMethods { get; set; }
// Additional source documents.
public List<IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument> IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name.
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details.
public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
/// Issued invoice row details.
public class IssuedInvoiceRow
// Issued invoice id.
// Ignored on create request.
public long IssuedInvoiceRowId { get; set; }
// Issued invoice.
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoice { get; set; }
// Item.
public mMApiFkField Item { get; set; }
// Item name.
public string ItemName { get; set; }
// Issued invoice row number.
public int? RowNumber { get; set; }
// Item code.
public string ItemCode { get; set; }
// Serial number.
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
// Batch number.
public string BatchNumber { get; set; }
// Item description.
public string Description { get; set; }
// Item quantity.
public Decimal Quantity { get; set; }
// Item unit of measurement.
public string UnitOfMeasurement { get; set; }
// Mass of item in kilogram.
public Decimal Mass { get; set; }
// Price.
public Decimal Price { get; set; }
// Price with included VAT.
public Decimal PriceWithVAT { get; set; }
// Item VAT percent.
public Decimal VATPercent { get; set; }
// Discount value in currency.
public Decimal Discount { get; set; }
// Discount value in percent.
public Decimal DiscountPercent { get; set; }
// Row value.
public Decimal Value { get; set; }
// Item VAT rate.
public mMApiFkField VatRate { get; set; }
// Vat rate percentage identifier
public mMApiFkField VatRatePercentage { get; set; }
// Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for direct discharge(Inventory).
public mMApiFkField Warehouse { get; set; }
// Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for discharge from additional warehouse.
public mMApiFkField AdditionalWarehouse { get; set; }
// Tax-free value.
public Decimal TaxFreeValue { get; set; }
// Tax-exemption value.
public Decimal TaxExemptionValue { get; set; }
// Other taxes and duties. Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
//     <li>N - no</li>
// </ul>
public string OtherTaxesAndDuties { get; set; }
// VAT accounting type:
// When organisation is subjected to VAT and the value is not supplied, it gets filled automatically by the system.
public string VatAccountingType { get; set; }
// Code for tax exemption reason. Only for Minimax RS.
public string TaxExemptionReasonCode { get; set; }
// Analytic.
public mMApiFkField Analytic { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name.
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details.
public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
/// Issued invoice payment method details.
public class IssuedInvoicePaymentMethod
// Issued invoice payment method id.
// Ignored on create request.
public long IssuedInvoicePaymentMethodId { get; set; }
// Issued invoice.
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoice { get; set; }
// Payment method.
public mMApiFkField PaymentMethod { get; set; }
// Cash register, if payment goes through a cash register.
public mMApiFkField CashRegister { get; set; }
// Revenue, if payment goes through a cash register.
public mMApiFkField Revenue { get; set; }
// Revenue date, if payment goes through a cash register.
public DateTime? RevenueDate { get; set; }
// Payment amount in invoice currency.
public Decimal Amount { get; set; }
// Payment amount in domestic currency.
public Decimal AmountInDomesticCurrency { get; set; }
// Already paid flag:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – amount was already paid at the time of issuing the invoice,</li>
//     <li>N – amount was not already paid at the time of issuing the invoice.</li>
// </ul>
public string AlreadyPaid { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name.
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details.
public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
/// Issued invoice payment method details.
public class IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument
// Issued invoice additional source document id.
// Ignored on create request.
public long IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocumentId { get; set; }
// Issued invoice.
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoice { get; set; }
// Source document type for e-invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>AAB – proforma invoice</li>
//     <li>CD – credit note</li>
//     <li>CT – contract</li>
//     <li>ON - purchase order</li>
//     <li>VN – sales order</li>
//     <li>AEP – project</li>
//     <li>ALO – recipient</li>
//     <li>GC – public tender</li>
//     <li>ATS - object</li>
// <ul>
public string SourceDocumentType { get; set; }
// Reference document date.
public DateTime? SourceDocumentDate { get; set; }
// Reference document number.
public string SourceDocumentNumber { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name.
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details.
public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.IssuedInvoice.IssuedInvoice'.
/// Issued invoice details.
class IssuedInvoice
// Issued invoice id.
// Ignored on create request.
public $IssuedInvoiceId;
// Invoice year.
public $Year;
// Invoice number.
public $InvoiceNumber;
// Document numbering.
public $DocumentNumbering;
// Customer.
public $Customer;
// Invoice date.
public $DateIssued;
// Date of transaction.
public $DateTransaction;
// Start date of transaction.
public $DateTransactionFrom;
// Invoice due date.
public $DateDue;
// Addressee name.
public $AddresseeName;
// Addressee address.
public $AddresseeAddress;
// Addressee postal code.
public $AddresseePostalCode;
// Addressee city.
public $AddresseeCity;
// Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country.
public $AddresseeCountryName;
// Addressee country.
public $AddresseeCountry;
// Addressee GLN.
public $AddresseeGLN;
// Recipient name.
public $RecipientName;
// Recipient address.
public $RecipientAddress;
// Recipient postal code.
public $RecipientPostalCode;
// Recipient city.
public $RecipientCity;
// Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country.
public $RecipientCountryName;
// Recipient country.
public $RecipientCountry;
// Addressee GLN.
public $RecipientGLN;
// Rabate percent.
public $Rabate;
// Exchange rate.
public $ExchangeRate;
// Document reference.
public $DocumentReference;
// Payment reference.
public $PaymentReference;
// Currency.
public $Currency;
// Analytic.
public $Analytic;
// Document.
public $Document;
// Report settings for issued invoices:
// <ul>
//     <li>IR – for issued invoice,</li>
//     <li>DP – for credit note,</li>
//     <li>UP – for issued invoice with order for payment.</li>
// </ul>
// Report settings for proforma invoices:
// <ul>
//     <li>PR – for proforma invoice,</li>
//     <li>PUPN – for proforma invoice with order for payment.</li>
// </ul>
public $IssuedInvoiceReportTemplate;
// Report settings for delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>DO – for delivery note </li>
// </ul>
public $DeliveryNoteReportTemplate;
// Issued invoice and proforma invoice status:
// <ul>
//     <li>O – Draft,</li>
//     <li>I - Issued</li>
// </ul>
public $Status;
// The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice above.
public $DescriptionAbove;
// The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice below.
public $DescriptionBelow;
// The description that appears on delivery note above.
public $DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove;
// The description that appears on delivery note below.
public $DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow;
// Notes.
public $Notes;
// Employee.
public $Employee;
// Price calculation type(VAT):
// <ul>
//     <li>D - VAT is included in the price</li>
//     <li>N - VAT is added to the prices</li>
// </ul>
public $PricesOnInvoice;
// Recurring Invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes,</li>
//     <li>N – no.</li>
// </ul>
public $RecurringInvoice;
// Invoice attachment (PDF invoice document).
public $InvoiceAttachment;
public $EInvoiceAttachment;
// Input type:
// <ul>
//     <li>R – issued invoice,</li>
//     <li>P – proforma invoice.</li>
// </ul>
public $InvoiceType;
// Forwarding data to CRF when sending e-invoice for budget users. Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
//     <li>N – no</li>
// </ul>
public $ForwardToCRF;
// Only for organisations that send data to eFaktura. Forwarding VAT data to SEF. Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>Eracun - EInvoice</li>
//     <li>Zbirno - Group</li>
//     <li>Posamicno – Individual</li>
// </ul>
public $ForwardToSEF;
// Reason for reverse.
public $ReverseReason;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Optional custumer data type
// <ul>
//     <li>10 – ZPPPDV number</li>
//     <li>11 – Refaction operator form number</li>
//     <li>20 – SNPDV number</li>
//     <li>21 – LNPDV number</li>
//     <li>30 – PPO-PDV number</li>
//     <li>31 – ZPPO-PDV number</li>
//     <li>32 – MPPO-VAT number</li>
//     <li>33 – IPPO-VAT number</li>
//     <li>40 – Single-purpose voucher number</li>
// </ul>
public $OptionalCustumerDataType;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Optional custumer data
public $OptionalCustumerData;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Type of customer ID
// <ul>
//     <li>10 – PDV number</li>
//     <li>11 – JMBG number</li>
//     <li>12 – PDV and JBKJS number</li>
//     <li>20 – Identity card number</li>
//     <li>21 – Refugee identification number</li>
//     <li>22 – EBS</li>
//     <li>23 – Passport number (domestic)</li>
//     <li>30 – Passport number (foreign)</li>
//     <li>31 – Diplomatic identification number</li>
//     <li>32 – Identity card number MKD</li>
//     <li>33 – Identity card number MNE</li>
//     <li>34 – Identity card number ALB</li>
//     <li>35 – Identity card number BIH</li>
//     <li>40 – PDV number (foreign)</li>
// </ul>
public $CustomerIDType;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Custumer id
public $CustomerID;
// Payment status:
// <ul>
//     <li>Placan – Paid</li>
//     <li>DelnoPlacanZapadel – Partially paid, Overdue</li>
//     <li>DelnoPlacanNezapadel – Partially paid, Not yet due</li>
//     <li>NeplacanZapadel – Unpaid, Overdue</li>
//     <li>NeplacanNezapadel – Unpaid, Not yet due</li>
//     <li>Osnutek – Draft</li>
//     <li>Avans – Advance payment</li>
// </ul>
public $PaymentStatus;
// Invoice value (domestic currency).
public $InvoiceValue;
// Paid value (domestic currency).
public $PaidValue;
// Association With Issue From Stock:
// <ul>
//     <li>N – no</li>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
// </ul>
public $AssociationWithStock;
// Debit note
// • N – no
// • D – yes
// Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public $DebitNote;
// Issued invoice for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public $DebitNoteBasis;
// Issued invoice date for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public $DebitNoteBasisDate;
// Invoice rows.
public $IssuedInvoiceRows;
// Payment methods.
public $IssuedInvoicePaymentMethods;
// Additional source documents.
public $IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public $ID;
// Record name.
public $Name;
// Url to full record details.
public $ResourceUrl;
/// Issued invoice row details.
class IssuedInvoiceRow
// Issued invoice id.
// Ignored on create request.
public $IssuedInvoiceRowId;
// Issued invoice.
public $IssuedInvoice;
// Item.
public $Item;
// Item name.
public $ItemName;
// Issued invoice row number.
public $RowNumber;
// Item code.
public $ItemCode;
// Serial number.
public $SerialNumber;
// Batch number.
public $BatchNumber;
// Item description.
public $Description;
// Item quantity.
public $Quantity;
// Item unit of measurement.
public $UnitOfMeasurement;
// Mass of item in kilogram.
public $Mass;
// Price.
public $Price;
// Price with included VAT.
public $PriceWithVAT;
// Item VAT percent.
public $VATPercent;
// Discount value in currency.
public $Discount;
// Discount value in percent.
public $DiscountPercent;
// Row value.
public $Value;
// Item VAT rate.
public $VatRate;
// Vat rate percentage identifier
public $VatRatePercentage;
// Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for direct discharge(Inventory).
public $Warehouse;
// Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for discharge from additional warehouse.
public $AdditionalWarehouse;
// Tax-free value.
public $TaxFreeValue;
// Tax-exemption value.
public $TaxExemptionValue;
// Other taxes and duties. Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
//     <li>N - no</li>
// </ul>
public $OtherTaxesAndDuties;
// VAT accounting type:
// When organisation is subjected to VAT and the value is not supplied, it gets filled automatically by the system.
public $VatAccountingType;
// Code for tax exemption reason. Only for Minimax RS.
public $TaxExemptionReasonCode;
// Analytic.
public $Analytic;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public $ID;
// Record name.
public $Name;
// Url to full record details.
public $ResourceUrl;
/// Issued invoice payment method details.
class IssuedInvoicePaymentMethod
// Issued invoice payment method id.
// Ignored on create request.
public $IssuedInvoicePaymentMethodId;
// Issued invoice.
public $IssuedInvoice;
// Payment method.
public $PaymentMethod;
// Cash register, if payment goes through a cash register.
public $CashRegister;
// Revenue, if payment goes through a cash register.
public $Revenue;
// Revenue date, if payment goes through a cash register.
public $RevenueDate;
// Payment amount in invoice currency.
public $Amount;
// Payment amount in domestic currency.
public $AmountInDomesticCurrency;
// Already paid flag:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – amount was already paid at the time of issuing the invoice,</li>
//     <li>N – amount was not already paid at the time of issuing the invoice.</li>
// </ul>
public $AlreadyPaid;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public $ID;
// Record name.
public $Name;
// Url to full record details.
public $ResourceUrl;
/// Issued invoice payment method details.
class IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument
// Issued invoice additional source document id.
// Ignored on create request.
public $IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocumentId;
// Issued invoice.
public $IssuedInvoice;
// Source document type for e-invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>AAB – proforma invoice</li>
//     <li>CD – credit note</li>
//     <li>CT – contract</li>
//     <li>ON - purchase order</li>
//     <li>VN – sales order</li>
//     <li>AEP – project</li>
//     <li>ALO – recipient</li>
//     <li>GC – public tender</li>
//     <li>ATS - object</li>
// <ul>
public $SourceDocumentType;
// Reference document date.
public $SourceDocumentDate;
// Reference document number.
public $SourceDocumentNumber;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public $ID;
// Record name.
public $Name;
// Url to full record details.
public $ResourceUrl;
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.IssuedInvoice.IssuedInvoice'.
/// Issued invoice details.
public class IssuedInvoice
// Issued invoice id.
// Ignored on create request.
public Long IssuedInvoiceId;
// Invoice year.
public Integer Year;
// Invoice number.
public Long InvoiceNumber;
// Document numbering.
public mMApiFkField DocumentNumbering;
// Customer.
public mMApiFkField Customer;
// Invoice date.
public Date DateIssued;
// Date of transaction.
public Date DateTransaction;
// Start date of transaction.
public Date DateTransactionFrom;
// Invoice due date.
public Date DateDue;
// Addressee name.
public String AddresseeName;
// Addressee address.
public String AddresseeAddress;
// Addressee postal code.
public String AddresseePostalCode;
// Addressee city.
public String AddresseeCity;
// Addressee country name. Prohibited use when AddresseeCountry is set as home country.
public String AddresseeCountryName;
// Addressee country.
public mMApiFkField AddresseeCountry;
// Addressee GLN.
public String AddresseeGLN;
// Recipient name.
public String RecipientName;
// Recipient address.
public String RecipientAddress;
// Recipient postal code.
public String RecipientPostalCode;
// Recipient city.
public String RecipientCity;
// Recipient country name. Prohibited use when RecipientCountry is set as home country.
public String RecipientCountryName;
// Recipient country.
public mMApiFkField RecipientCountry;
// Addressee GLN.
public String RecipientGLN;
// Rabate percent.
public Double Rabate;
// Exchange rate.
public Double ExchangeRate;
// Document reference.
public String DocumentReference;
// Payment reference.
public String PaymentReference;
// Currency.
public mMApiFkField Currency;
// Analytic.
public mMApiFkField Analytic;
// Document.
public mMApiFkField Document;
// Report settings for issued invoices:
// <ul>
//     <li>IR – for issued invoice,</li>
//     <li>DP – for credit note,</li>
//     <li>UP – for issued invoice with order for payment.</li>
// </ul>
// Report settings for proforma invoices:
// <ul>
//     <li>PR – for proforma invoice,</li>
//     <li>PUPN – for proforma invoice with order for payment.</li>
// </ul>
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoiceReportTemplate;
// Report settings for delivery note:
// <ul>
//     <li>DO – for delivery note </li>
// </ul>
public mMApiFkField DeliveryNoteReportTemplate;
// Issued invoice and proforma invoice status:
// <ul>
//     <li>O – Draft,</li>
//     <li>I - Issued</li>
// </ul>
public String Status;
// The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice above.
public String DescriptionAbove;
// The description that appears on issued invoice and proforma invoice below.
public String DescriptionBelow;
// The description that appears on delivery note above.
public String DeliveryNoteDescriptionAbove;
// The description that appears on delivery note below.
public String DeliveryNoteDescriptionBelow;
// Notes.
public String Notes;
// Employee.
public mMApiFkField Employee;
// Price calculation type(VAT):
// <ul>
//     <li>D - VAT is included in the price</li>
//     <li>N - VAT is added to the prices</li>
// </ul>
public String PricesOnInvoice;
// Recurring Invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes,</li>
//     <li>N – no.</li>
// </ul>
public String RecurringInvoice;
// Invoice attachment (PDF invoice document).
public mMApiFkField InvoiceAttachment;
public mMApiFkField EInvoiceAttachment;
// Input type:
// <ul>
//     <li>R – issued invoice,</li>
//     <li>P – proforma invoice.</li>
// </ul>
public String InvoiceType;
// Forwarding data to CRF when sending e-invoice for budget users. Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
//     <li>N – no</li>
// </ul>
public String ForwardToCRF;
// Only for organisations that send data to eFaktura. Forwarding VAT data to SEF. Options:
// <ul>
//     <li>Eracun - EInvoice</li>
//     <li>Zbirno - Group</li>
//     <li>Posamicno – Individual</li>
// </ul>
public String ForwardToSEF;
// Reason for reverse.
public String ReverseReason;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Optional custumer data type
// <ul>
//     <li>10 – ZPPPDV number</li>
//     <li>11 – Refaction operator form number</li>
//     <li>20 – SNPDV number</li>
//     <li>21 – LNPDV number</li>
//     <li>30 – PPO-PDV number</li>
//     <li>31 – ZPPO-PDV number</li>
//     <li>32 – MPPO-VAT number</li>
//     <li>33 – IPPO-VAT number</li>
//     <li>40 – Single-purpose voucher number</li>
// </ul>
public String OptionalCustumerDataType;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Optional custumer data
public String OptionalCustumerData;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Type of customer ID
// <ul>
//     <li>10 – PDV number</li>
//     <li>11 – JMBG number</li>
//     <li>12 – PDV and JBKJS number</li>
//     <li>20 – Identity card number</li>
//     <li>21 – Refugee identification number</li>
//     <li>22 – EBS</li>
//     <li>23 – Passport number (domestic)</li>
//     <li>30 – Passport number (foreign)</li>
//     <li>31 – Diplomatic identification number</li>
//     <li>32 – Identity card number MKD</li>
//     <li>33 – Identity card number MNE</li>
//     <li>34 – Identity card number ALB</li>
//     <li>35 – Identity card number BIH</li>
//     <li>40 – PDV number (foreign)</li>
// </ul>
public String CustomerIDType;
// Only for fiskal invoice for Minimax RS
// Custumer id
public String CustomerID;
// Payment status:
// <ul>
//     <li>Placan – Paid</li>
//     <li>DelnoPlacanZapadel – Partially paid, Overdue</li>
//     <li>DelnoPlacanNezapadel – Partially paid, Not yet due</li>
//     <li>NeplacanZapadel – Unpaid, Overdue</li>
//     <li>NeplacanNezapadel – Unpaid, Not yet due</li>
//     <li>Osnutek – Draft</li>
//     <li>Avans – Advance payment</li>
// </ul>
public String PaymentStatus;
// Invoice value (domestic currency).
public Double InvoiceValue;
// Paid value (domestic currency).
public Double PaidValue;
// Association With Issue From Stock:
// <ul>
//     <li>N – no</li>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
// </ul>
public String AssociationWithStock;
// Debit note
// • N – no
// • D – yes
// Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public String DebitNote;
// Issued invoice for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public String DebitNoteBasis;
// Issued invoice date for which debit note is issued. Only for e-invoice for Minimax RS
public Date DebitNoteBasisDate;
// Invoice rows.
public List<IssuedInvoiceRow> IssuedInvoiceRows;
// Payment methods.
public List<IssuedInvoicePaymentMethod> IssuedInvoicePaymentMethods;
// Additional source documents.
public List<IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument> IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public Long ID;
// Record name.
public String Name;
// Url to full record details.
public String ResourceUrl;
/// Issued invoice row details.
public class IssuedInvoiceRow
// Issued invoice id.
// Ignored on create request.
public Long IssuedInvoiceRowId;
// Issued invoice.
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoice;
// Item.
public mMApiFkField Item;
// Item name.
public String ItemName;
// Issued invoice row number.
public Integer RowNumber;
// Item code.
public String ItemCode;
// Serial number.
public String SerialNumber;
// Batch number.
public String BatchNumber;
// Item description.
public String Description;
// Item quantity.
public Double Quantity;
// Item unit of measurement.
public String UnitOfMeasurement;
// Mass of item in kilogram.
public Double Mass;
// Price.
public Double Price;
// Price with included VAT.
public Double PriceWithVAT;
// Item VAT percent.
public Double VATPercent;
// Discount value in currency.
public Double Discount;
// Discount value in percent.
public Double DiscountPercent;
// Row value.
public Double Value;
// Item VAT rate.
public mMApiFkField VatRate;
// Vat rate percentage identifier
public mMApiFkField VatRatePercentage;
// Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for direct discharge(Inventory).
public mMApiFkField Warehouse;
// Warehouse. Input allowed if settings are set for discharge from additional warehouse.
public mMApiFkField AdditionalWarehouse;
// Tax-free value.
public Double TaxFreeValue;
// Tax-exemption value.
public Double TaxExemptionValue;
// Other taxes and duties. Usage:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – yes</li>
//     <li>N - no</li>
// </ul>
public String OtherTaxesAndDuties;
// VAT accounting type:
// When organisation is subjected to VAT and the value is not supplied, it gets filled automatically by the system.
public String VatAccountingType;
// Code for tax exemption reason. Only for Minimax RS.
public String TaxExemptionReasonCode;
// Analytic.
public mMApiFkField Analytic;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public Long ID;
// Record name.
public String Name;
// Url to full record details.
public String ResourceUrl;
/// Issued invoice payment method details.
public class IssuedInvoicePaymentMethod
// Issued invoice payment method id.
// Ignored on create request.
public Long IssuedInvoicePaymentMethodId;
// Issued invoice.
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoice;
// Payment method.
public mMApiFkField PaymentMethod;
// Cash register, if payment goes through a cash register.
public mMApiFkField CashRegister;
// Revenue, if payment goes through a cash register.
public mMApiFkField Revenue;
// Revenue date, if payment goes through a cash register.
public Date RevenueDate;
// Payment amount in invoice currency.
public Double Amount;
// Payment amount in domestic currency.
public Double AmountInDomesticCurrency;
// Already paid flag:
// <ul>
//     <li>D – amount was already paid at the time of issuing the invoice,</li>
//     <li>N – amount was not already paid at the time of issuing the invoice.</li>
// </ul>
public String AlreadyPaid;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public Long ID;
// Record name.
public String Name;
// Url to full record details.
public String ResourceUrl;
/// Issued invoice payment method details.
public class IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocument
// Issued invoice additional source document id.
// Ignored on create request.
public Long IssuedInvoiceAdditionalSourceDocumentId;
// Issued invoice.
public mMApiFkField IssuedInvoice;
// Source document type for e-invoice:
// <ul>
//     <li>AAB – proforma invoice</li>
//     <li>CD – credit note</li>
//     <li>CT – contract</li>
//     <li>ON - purchase order</li>
//     <li>VN – sales order</li>
//     <li>AEP – project</li>
//     <li>ALO – recipient</li>
//     <li>GC – public tender</li>
//     <li>ATS - object</li>
// <ul>
public String SourceDocumentType;
// Reference document date.
public Date SourceDocumentDate;
// Reference document number.
public String SourceDocumentNumber;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public Long ID;
// Record name.
public String Name;
// Url to full record details.
public String ResourceUrl;