Relative request path: | api/orgs/{organisationId}/employees/{employeeId} |
Property | Description |
organisationId | organisation id |
employeeId |
Request parameters:
Request parameters:
Request parameters:
Property | Description |
EmployeeId | Employee id. |
Code | Employee code. |
TaxNumber | Employee Tax number. |
FirstName | Employee first name. |
LastName | Employee last name. |
Address | Employee address. |
PostalCode | Employee postal code. |
City | Employee city. |
Country | class Country. Employee country. |
CountryOfResidence | class Country. Employee residence country. |
DateOfBirth | Employee date of birth. |
Gender | Possible values: (M, Z). Employee gender:
EmploymentStartDate | Date of employment. |
EmploymentEndDate | Employment end date. |
Notes | Notes. |
EmploymentType | Employment type:
PersonalIdenficationNumber | Employee Personal identification number. |
InsuranceBasis | |
RecordDtModified | |
RowVersion | Row version is used for concurrency check. |
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.Employee.Employee'.
/// Employee details.
public class Employee
// Employee id.
// Ignored on create request.
public long EmployeeId { get; set; }
// Employee code.
public string Code { get; set; }
// Employee Tax number.
public string TaxNumber { get; set; }
// Employee first name.
public string FirstName { get; set; }
// Employee last name.
public string LastName { get; set; }
// Employee address.
public string Address { get; set; }
// Employee postal code.
public string PostalCode { get; set; }
// Employee city.
public string City { get; set; }
// Employee country.
public mMApiFkField Country { get; set; }
// Employee residence country.
public mMApiFkField CountryOfResidence { get; set; }
// Employee date of birth.
public DateTime? DateOfBirth { get; set; }
// Employee gender:
// <ul>
//     <li>M - Man</li>
//     <li>Z - Woman</li>
// </ul>
public string Gender { get; set; }
// Date of employment.
public DateTime? EmploymentStartDate { get; set; }
// Employment end date.
public DateTime? EmploymentEndDate { get; set; }
// Notes.
public string Notes { get; set; }
// Employment type:
// <ul>
//     <li>ZD - Employed worker</li>
//     <li>ZL - Employed owner</li>
//     <li>Z30 - Employees up to 30 years of age</li>
//     <li>Z45 - Employees from 45 to 50 years of age</li>
//     <li>Z50 - Employees over 50 years of age</li>
//     <li>P30 - Trainee up to 30 years of age</li>
//     <li>I - Disabled person</li>
//     <li>ZADR - Employed through a co-operative</li>
//     <li>S - Scholarship holder</li>
//     <li>PENZ - Pensioner</li>
//     <li>PENZSD - Retired independent worker</li>
//     <li>ZAP - Employed elsewhere</li>
//     <li>NEZAP - Unemployed</li>
//     <li>POL - Farmer</li>
//     <li>SD - Independent worker</li>
//     <li>NRNIP - Nonresident without an international contract</li>
//     <li>NRJEP - Nonresident with an international contract</li>
//     <li>UcenjeKrozRad - Pupil - learning through work</li>
// </ul>
public string EmploymentType { get; set; }
// Employee Personal identification number.
public string PersonalIdenficationNumber { get; set; }
public string InsuranceBasis { get; set; }
public DateTime RecordDtModified { get; set; }
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public string RowVersion { get; set; }
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public long? ID { get; set; }
// Record name.
public string Name { get; private set; }
// Url to full record details.
public string ResourceUrl { get; private set; }
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.Employee.Employee'.
/// Employee details.
class Employee
// Employee id.
// Ignored on create request.
public $EmployeeId;
// Employee code.
public $Code;
// Employee Tax number.
public $TaxNumber;
// Employee first name.
public $FirstName;
// Employee last name.
public $LastName;
// Employee address.
public $Address;
// Employee postal code.
public $PostalCode;
// Employee city.
public $City;
// Employee country.
public $Country;
// Employee residence country.
public $CountryOfResidence;
// Employee date of birth.
public $DateOfBirth;
// Employee gender:
// <ul>
//     <li>M - Man</li>
//     <li>Z - Woman</li>
// </ul>
public $Gender;
// Date of employment.
public $EmploymentStartDate;
// Employment end date.
public $EmploymentEndDate;
// Notes.
public $Notes;
// Employment type:
// <ul>
//     <li>ZD - Employed worker</li>
//     <li>ZL - Employed owner</li>
//     <li>Z30 - Employees up to 30 years of age</li>
//     <li>Z45 - Employees from 45 to 50 years of age</li>
//     <li>Z50 - Employees over 50 years of age</li>
//     <li>P30 - Trainee up to 30 years of age</li>
//     <li>I - Disabled person</li>
//     <li>ZADR - Employed through a co-operative</li>
//     <li>S - Scholarship holder</li>
//     <li>PENZ - Pensioner</li>
//     <li>PENZSD - Retired independent worker</li>
//     <li>ZAP - Employed elsewhere</li>
//     <li>NEZAP - Unemployed</li>
//     <li>POL - Farmer</li>
//     <li>SD - Independent worker</li>
//     <li>NRNIP - Nonresident without an international contract</li>
//     <li>NRJEP - Nonresident with an international contract</li>
//     <li>UcenjeKrozRad - Pupil - learning through work</li>
// </ul>
public $EmploymentType;
// Employee Personal identification number.
public $PersonalIdenficationNumber;
public $InsuranceBasis;
public $RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public $RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public $ID;
// Record name.
public $Name;
// Url to full record details.
public $ResourceUrl;
This method returns result of type 'SAOP.API.Models.Employee.Employee'.
/// Employee details.
public class Employee
// Employee id.
// Ignored on create request.
public Long EmployeeId;
// Employee code.
public String Code;
// Employee Tax number.
public String TaxNumber;
// Employee first name.
public String FirstName;
// Employee last name.
public String LastName;
// Employee address.
public String Address;
// Employee postal code.
public String PostalCode;
// Employee city.
public String City;
// Employee country.
public mMApiFkField Country;
// Employee residence country.
public mMApiFkField CountryOfResidence;
// Employee date of birth.
public Date DateOfBirth;
// Employee gender:
// <ul>
//     <li>M - Man</li>
//     <li>Z - Woman</li>
// </ul>
public String Gender;
// Date of employment.
public Date EmploymentStartDate;
// Employment end date.
public Date EmploymentEndDate;
// Notes.
public String Notes;
// Employment type:
// <ul>
//     <li>ZD - Employed worker</li>
//     <li>ZL - Employed owner</li>
//     <li>Z30 - Employees up to 30 years of age</li>
//     <li>Z45 - Employees from 45 to 50 years of age</li>
//     <li>Z50 - Employees over 50 years of age</li>
//     <li>P30 - Trainee up to 30 years of age</li>
//     <li>I - Disabled person</li>
//     <li>ZADR - Employed through a co-operative</li>
//     <li>S - Scholarship holder</li>
//     <li>PENZ - Pensioner</li>
//     <li>PENZSD - Retired independent worker</li>
//     <li>ZAP - Employed elsewhere</li>
//     <li>NEZAP - Unemployed</li>
//     <li>POL - Farmer</li>
//     <li>SD - Independent worker</li>
//     <li>NRNIP - Nonresident without an international contract</li>
//     <li>NRJEP - Nonresident with an international contract</li>
//     <li>UcenjeKrozRad - Pupil - learning through work</li>
// </ul>
public String EmploymentType;
// Employee Personal identification number.
public String PersonalIdenficationNumber;
public String InsuranceBasis;
public Date RecordDtModified;
// Row version is used for concurrency check.
// Ignored on create request.
public String RowVersion;
/// Link with id, name and url to related data.
public class mMApiFkField
// Record id.
public Long ID;
// Record name.
public String Name;
// Url to full record details.
public String ResourceUrl;